English 中文(简体)
每个囚室都是黑色或白色的。 设计一个算法,以找到最大分局,从而使所有4个边界均为黑色。
原标题:In a square matrix, where each cell is black or white. Design an algorithm to find the max sub-square such that all 4 borders are black

每一个囚室都是黑白的,有固定的矩阵。 设计一种算法,以找到最大分局,这样所有4个边界都是黑色的。






O(n^2) is possible. I guess it is optimal, as you have n^2 cells.



Say we have a candidate for a top-left corner. We can compute the number of continuous black cells below it, and to the right of it and take the minimum of the two and call it T.


Once we have the two numbers T and B, we can tell if the given top-left, bottom-right candidate actually give us a square with all black borders.



Now consider a diagonal. Our aim is to find a top-left,bottom-right pair along this diagonal in O(n) time.

让我们假设的是,在“......m”号阵列中,“T”号是“神学”的长度。 同样,我们有阵列B[1.m]。 T 3.1 相当于离校和T[m]最左端。 同样与B。

现在,我们处理以下各点,即每个高位候选人,我们试图找到一个将给予最大面积的底层候选人。 通知:j > i 并且注意到,如果(i,j)是候选人,则(i,j)是nt, 即i >

请注意,i和j如果是T[i] >=j-i+1B[j] >=j-i+1,则构成一平方米。

i.e. T[i] +i - 1 >= j and B[j] -j - 1 >= - i

因此,我们形成了新的阵列,例如TL[k] = T[k] + k <-1>和BR[k] = B[k] -k - 1


TL[i] >=j and BR[j] >=i?


现在给了TL[i],在[i, TL[i]范围内,我们发现BR的最大价值,例如BR[j1]。

现在,如果BR[j1] >=-i,我们发现,在[j1, TL[i]的幅度中,森林最大,并且继续这样做。



我留下了许多细节,并做了一个概要,因为时间已经太长。 有理由对此作出澄清。



I don t know why you can get an O(n^2) algorithm. Mathematically, it is impossible. Let s say you have an NxN matrix. You need to check: 1. 1 matrix of size: NxN, 2. 2*2 matrices of size: (N-1)x(N-1), 3. 3*3 matrices of size: (N-2)x(N-2), ....

In total, you have to check: 1+ 2^2 + 3^2 + ... + N^2 = N(N+1)(2N+1)/6. So any algorithm cannot do better than O(N^3)

<C++ Code:

using namespace std;

int min(int a,int b,int c)
    int min = a;
    if(min > b)
        min = b;
    if(min > c)
        min = c;
    return min;

int main()
    const int size  = 5;
    char a[size][size] = { { b , b , b , b , w },{ b , b , b , b , b },{ b , b , b , b , b },{ b , b , w , b , b },{ b , w , w , b , b } };
    int arr[size+1][size+1];
    // First row and First column of arr is zero.
    for(int i=0;i<size+1;i++)
        arr[0][i] = 0;
        arr[i][0] = 0;
    int answer = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<size;j++)
            if(a[i][j] ==  w )
                arr[i+1][j+1] = 0;
            if(a[i][j] ==  b )
                int minimum = min(arr[i][i],arr[i+1][j],arr[i][j+1]);
                arr[i+1][j+1] = minimum + 1;
                if( arr[i+1][j+1] > answer)
                    answer = arr[i+1][j+1];
    for(int i=0;i<size+1;i++)
        for(int j=0;j<size+1;j++)
            cout<<arr[i][j]<<"	";
    return 0;
/* In a square matrix, where each cell is black or white. 
 * Design an algorithm to find the max sub-square such that all 4 borders are black. The right Java implementation based on a previous post. 
public int maxSubsquare(boolean[][] M){
    int n = M.length; 
    checkDiag(M, 0, 0, n); 
    for (int i=1; i<n; i++){
        checkDiag(M, i, 0, n); 
        checkDiag(M, 0, i, n); 
    return maxsize; 
int maxsize; 
void checkDiag(boolean[][] M, int i, int j, int n){
    if (i>=n-maxsize || j>=n-maxsize) return; 
    int step = 0; 
    while (step<(n-Math.max(i, j))&& M[i][j+step]&&M[i+step][j]){
        int s = step; 
        while (s>0){
            if (M[i+s][j+step]&&M[i+step][j+s]) s--; 
            else break; 
        if (s==0) 
            maxsize = Math.max(maxsize, step+1); 
    if (step==0) checkDiag(M, i+step+1, j+step+1, n); 
    else checkDiag(M, i+step, j+step, n); 

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