I dont know what happen here when I tried to compile with Xcode, the compiler show this statement, "Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 error". It says fatal error that:
file /Users/integraasp/Dropbox/code/FlipView/Classes/ColorHelper.h has been modified since the precompiled header was built. It can build and run well on device but I can t test my code on simulator.
在我发现这一错误之前,我试图将我守则的最新版本从小箱中复制。 我不知道,既然我已经改变了许多法典。 (千美元)
我从这些联系中尝试了解决办法,但不幸的是,它根本不可行。 是否有任何人能够帮助我?
Convert to ARC - LLVER 3.0 Error
LL RV 3.0 汇编错误:将C Pointer类推到目标C的线器类型,需要一个桥梁。
** 本文件迟交。 本文件迟交。
Finally, I ve found the error. :)
** 本文件迟交。 本文件迟交。
Well, finally I ve found the error. prefix.pch file for this project declare was not correctly write all of header files of this project. I just write down manually on prefix.pch all header files from my project and it s done. :)