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RadzenDropDown: how to improve the performance for large data using AllowVirtualization?

I have RadzenDropDown whose data comes DB and need to do multiple selection enable, AllowVirtualization enable to avoid lazy loading because this dropdown contain more 2000 product. To do this, I have tried below code but checkbox checked true is not working properly. How can I do?

            <RadzenDropDown class="form-control w-100" placeholder="Select Product"
                        AllowClear="true"                                FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive"
                        TextProperty="Name" ValueProperty="Code" Data="@_ProductList" Change="@(args => onProductChange(args, 3))" />

Then how can I get checked true product ids with comma separated in the variable productIdList ?

public async Task onProductChange(object value)
string productIdList = (value is IEnumerable<object> ? string.Join(", ", (IEnumerable<object>)value) : value).Tostring();          


Blazor custom validation in child component

I have this component that goes into a form like <NumberWithNAAndAmberRanges2 @bind-BindNumber="LocVM.ChartDayStartMinute" NaName="Not Applicable" NaAllowed="true&...

Override/Disable Android Back Button in Blazor Hybrid MAUI

I have a .razor page which takes a lot of time to load. Is it possible to disable/override the hardware Back button in Blazor Hybrid MAUI for a specific .razor page? The primary reason for doing so is ...

Integrating Push Notifications in MAUI .NET 7 Applications

I m developing a cross-platform application using MAUI .NET 7 and I would like to add push notification functionality to my application. I m considering using Firebase Cloud Messaging or Azure ...

Blazor web assembly pass checkbox list values to model

I m new to Blazor. I m working in a web assembly Blazor project. I am trying to create a form that passes values back to a model. I have it working with input text fields and drop downs, but I am ...
