。 我非常抱歉,我发现错误,非常 st。 (见答复)
我似乎有一个非常奇怪的问题。 我有一个网站,利用第3个政党批准伐木。 我的使用者为此使用两个社会网络:Facebook和Vkontakte(俄罗斯模拟)。
如果用户在FB和VK都有账户,并且通过这两个账户都有账簿,那么现在他或她在我的网站上有两个单独的账户。 然而,他可以通过在一个社会网络(这是他的主人账户)上进行伐木,并利用用户——组合功能与另一个社会网络。
该功能发现用户有另一个账户,并将数据库中的所有数据与总账户重新链接。 然后,它删除了另一个账户,并给总账户增加社会补贴,以便现在用户能够通过两个社会网络进行记录。 社会救助一栏中自然有联合国协会的要求指数。
然而,当该书执行时,似乎会执行《世界人权宣言》,该声明增加了社会补贴, ,删除了老用户。 这产生了错误,因为它试图增加现有的社会补贴(因为旧的使用者仍然在那里)。
当我对数据库进行文字执行后检查时,老用户就去了,因此我猜测,这意味着DELETE声明确实得到了执行,但拖延了,其他陈述得到了执行。 MySQL Workbench的标识证实了这一点,尽管我不敢确定它是否可靠。
My question is how do I ensure that the DELETE (or any other MySQL statement for that matter) has actually been executed before executing the rest of the script? And why does this happen anyway?
The user_bind function:
function user_bind($eSourceType)
//$eSourceType can be fb or vk , depending on the social network of the secondary account
$usrMe=get_gl_me(); //gets the user s account, through which he is logged in - the master account
if ($eSourceType== fb ) //if the social network that we are binding this account to is Facebook
$vSidName= facebook_id ; //name of the column which contains the social id
if (!$usrMe->get_private_property("facebook_id") & $usrMe->get_private_property("vkontakte_id") ) //check if the master account really doesn t have facebook_id set
$fb=get_facebook();//gets facebook object (from FB PHP SDK)
$sid=$fb->getUser();//gets user s id in facebook (social id)
error("The account has facebook_id set");
elseif($eSourceType== vk )//same as before, but the id is fetched through $_GET, not object
$vSidName= vkontakte_id ;
if ($usrMe->get_private_property("facebook_id") & !$usrMe->get_private_property("vkontakte_id") ) //check if it s the right account
$sid=$_GET[ uid ];
error("The account has vkontakte_id set");
if(!$sid) //if we couldn t retrieve the social id
error("Can t bind: $sid not set.");
$idNew=$usrMe->get_id();//get id (database id) of the master account
$usrOld=fetch_user_by_sid($sid, $eSourceType, true); //fetches the user object by the social id we retrieved before
if ($usrOld)//if there is a user with this social id (if there is a secondary account)
$idOld=$usrOld->get_id();//get id of the secondary account
$tblsRelink=array("comments", "posts", "users_private", "vote_posts", "vote_comments"); //get tables in which we have to relink users
foreach($tblsRelink as $tbl)
//update set users_idusers to userid
$sp=new Statement_Parameter; //this is a class from It allows to bind variables to the prepared statement in MySQLi without much pain
$query="UPDATE $tbl SET users_idusers=" . db_stmt_operands($idNew, $sp, idNew ) . " WHERE users_idusers=". db_stmt_operands($idOld, $sp, idOld ); //db_stmt_operands inserts question marks in the query, while binding the variables through Statement_Parameter
$affected_rows=db_submit($query, $sp);//see below for the db_submit() function explanation
//delete old user
$sp=new Statement_Parameter; //clear Statement_Parameter
$query="DELETE FROM users WHERE idusers=" . db_stmt_operands($idOld, $sp, idOld );
$affected_rows=db_submit($query, $sp);
echo "<br>affected: $affected_rows<BR>"; //this actually returns 1
//lets see if the user was actually deleted
$usrTest=fetch_user_by_sid($sid, $eSourceType, true); //fetch the user by the social id
if($usrTest) //if a user is fetched
debug_array($usrTest); //custom implementation of print_r
error("User still exsists. Oh no.");//it always does
$usrMe->set_private_property($vSidName, $sid);//sets the property facebook_id or vkontakte_id to the social id that we got in the beginning
$usrMe->update();//UPDATE statement, which brings the object s properties in the database up to date (in our case: adds the social id)
//the UPDATE statement doesn t execute because the old user is still there
db - 提交功能:
function db_submit($query, $sp=NULL)
$mysqli = db_connect(); //fetches PHP MySQLi object
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query)) //if the statement is successfully prepared
if($sp)//if there is a Statement_Parameter passed
$sp->Bind_Params($stmt); //bind parameters from SP
if($stmt->execute())//try to execute the statement
//on success
if ($mysqli->insert_id) //if this was an INSERT
return $mysqli->insert_id;
else //if this was DELETE or UPDATE
return $mysqli->affected_rows;
//on failure
error("Could not submit: could not execute statement. Query: $query." . $stmt->error); //this kills the script
error("Could not submit. Query: $query." . $mysqli->error);