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查阅免费信息库 无需安装的服务器查询工具
原标题:Looking for freeware SQL Server query tool that requires no install [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

查阅免费信息库 无需安装的服务器查询工具。



这里有一对一对一对一 couple:

LinqPad-New and update。 能够直截了当......。

。 彩票() * 看起来很老,无法肯定,如果它忙于新娘。



Performance impact of indexed view in MS SQL Server 2008

Does anyone have experience with using indexed view in MS SQL Server 2008? I am trying to find out how does indexed view affect performance of insert / update statements, that are adding / updating ...

Lock Escalation - What s happening here?

While altering a table (removing a column) in SQL Server 2008, I clicked the Generate Change Script button and I noticed that the change script it generated drops the column, says "go" and then runs ...

Round to nearest 5 in SQL Server

I have a Money column in my SQL Server 2008 table. In my below query how can I round it to nearest 5$ select FineAmount from tickets Thanks
