English 中文(简体)
原标题:Find out if column has varchar 20

Find out if column Firstname has varchar(20). If true, alter the table etc.

I have problem to find out if column Firstname has varchar 20 inside of (if Exists) Everything take place in SQL server 2008 R2

table Staff

Firstname varchar(20)  
Lastname varchar(100)
if Exists()   // Find out if column Firstname has varchar(20)

   // Alter table and its specific column


< COLUMNS information schema view is better for this.

    (SELECT *
    FROM    sys.columns c
    WHERE   c.object_id = OBJECT_ID( MySchema.MyTable )
    AND c.name =  MyColumn 
    AND c.system_type_id = 167 --167 = varchar SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE name =  varchar 
    AND c.max_length = 20)
    ALTER TABLE MySchema.MyTable
    ALTER COLUMN MyColumn VARCHAR(25) NULL; --or NOT NULL and/or DEFAULT ...


See here for more info: sys.columns onMSDN

对char/var(面积为n<>>>m>,但对于 n和 n而言,沥青的储存量不同,n<>m>是长体。

nchar is 2 n bytes, so the You will need to do max_length/2 to take the actual declaration amount (1-4000)

nvarchar is also 2 n bytes, 因此,为了达到实际宣布的规模,你需要填写(max_length/2)。 虽然Nvarchar还每栏使用另外两条tes,但并未列入ys栏。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 还忆及: 任何纳瓦尔果或纳果(最高值)的回报


SELECT  [  + schema_name(t.[schema_id]) +  ].[  + t.name +  ]  AS TableName
            ,  [  + c.name +  ]  AS ColumnName
            ,  [  + ty.name +  ]  AS DataType
            , max_length_value = CASE WHEN c.max_length > -1
                AND (ty.name =  nvarchar  
                OR ty.name =  nchar ) THEN c.max_length/2 
            ELSE c.max_length END
            , max_length_bytes = c.max_length
            , c.is_nullable
        FROM sys.columns AS c
            INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t ON t.object_id = c.object_id
            INNER JOIN sys.types AS ty ON ty.system_type_id = c.system_type_id
                AND ty.user_type_id = c.user_type_id

nchar and nvarchar fromMSDN :-

nchar[(n)] Fixed-length Unicode string data. n defines the string length and must be a value from 1 through 4,000. The storage size is two times n bytes. When the collation code page uses double-byte characters, the storage size is still n bytes. Depending on the string, the storage size of n bytes can be less than the value specified for n. The ISO synonyms for nchar are national char and national character.

nvarchar[(n|max)] Variable-length Unicode string data. n defines the string length and can be a value from 1 through 4,000. max indicates that the maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes (2 GB). The storage size, in bytes, is two times the actual length of data entered + 2 bytes. The ISO synonyms for nvarchar are national char varying and national character varying.

你应该能够利用类似于这一询问的某种东西,以找到你一栏是否是var(20)。 这将从信息图表中的观点中挑选,并按照专栏和表格具体标准进行过滤。

select t.name  Table 
    , c.name  Column 
    , c.max_length
from sys.columns c
inner join sys.tables t on
    t.object_id = c.object_id
inner join sys.types y on
    y.system_type_id = c.system_type_id
where c.name =  FirstName 
    and t.name =  MyTable 
    and y.name =  varchar 
    and c.max_length = 20

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