a) i want to create a matrix called targets_1 where i want to check if the value is 0 then make the entry 1 so at the end of the day i must have a matrix with :column 1 to 2000 with value 1 and column 2001:4000 with value zero
b) Same situation as above but this time i want to check if the value is 1 then make the entry 1 and if it is zero then make the entry zero; at the end; my new matrix targets_2 contains values: column 1 to 2000 with value zero and column 2001:4000 with value 1
i 知道如何利用扼杀功能来进行这种检查,但问题是,我的原始矩阵是双重的,而且我知道是否有这样的功能。
set Cmp = 症状(植物、物种);