许多果树类具有助手功能,在助手职能范围内,为你们宣布为主食和 in。 他们回去准备使用物体。 您可以说明,“九”是否看到了这种方法的用法,它说的是“与特定名称有关的国家安全局的复审”。
-(void)awakeFromNib {
NSSound *song = [NSSound soundNamed:@"MyTune.mp3"];
[song play];
Your second example leaks memory because you alloc and then overwrite your pointer with a new object returned by [NSSound soundNamed:@"MyTune.mp3"]
-(void)awakeFromNib {
// Create an NSSound object in memory and store the address in song.
NSSound *song = [[NSSound alloc]init];
// If you don t want a memory leak this is your last chance to [song release]
// Create a NSSound object using a helper function and place its address
// in song, over writing the previous address.
song = [NSSound soundNamed:@"MyTune.mp3"];
// We now lost track of the first NSSound object and can t release it because
// we overwrote the address.
[song play];
http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSSound_Class/Reference/Reference.html 您可以看到,这一方法正在采用<代码>alloc和in。 在座各位:
+(id) 声纳med:NSString *
Name that identifies sound data.
<>Return Value