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RDF reading/parsing errors

I have some RDF files which I want to import into a tripplestore(AllegroGraph), but at the first file I get a SAX parser error, stating there is an unrecognized character. After removing the line in question, everything is great. Then I have tried using the W3C RDF validator and Jena on the RDF with the error-line, but all I got was some warnings regarding undefined languages(absolutely nothing about the error-line). Could you please suggest a method(java if possible) to finding errors in RDF files?

Edit: The line in question is:

<gn:alternateName xml:lang="got">&#66352;&#66374;&#66354;&#66352;&#66365;&#66361;&#66371;&#66372;&#66352;&#66365;</gn:alternateName>

You can use Sesame s Rio parser to do validation. There s instructions in this blogpost on how to work with Rio in general. For validation specifically, the trick is to create and attach a ParseErrorListener that receives detailed warning and errors from the parser.

However, since you mention that the problem you encounter is at the level of SAX / XML, you could also just use a generic XML validator to see what s wrong. The most likely cause (but it s hard to tell without more details) is that you have an incorrectly encoded character in there somewhere.

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