When I build the PlayN project and run the java version, it s behaviour is different to when I run the HTML version.
Basically I made a board game that uses a modified version of the Minimax algorithm (search tree and weighting evaluation) for its AI.
Since nothing is calculated randomly, and if the inputs are the same, I d expect the outputs to be the same too.
However, the AI s of the java and javascript (HTML) versions behave differently to the same input.
The link to the Html/javascript version can be found here: http://mugle-app.appspot.com/+games/staff/fiar/
The java (JAR) file can be found at: http://ez-playn.googlecode.com/files/FiarJava.zip
They both use the same code, only compilations have been different, but both using the provided Ant scripts. Tree depth is fixed, evaluator weightings are fixed
I can t understand why there would be a difference since every thing works except the search tree...could it be because that evaluation is heavy and javascript run s out of resources?
Thanks for any help.