English 中文(简体)
Java 编辑,获得并设置治疗职位支持
原标题:Javascript Rich Text Editor with get AND set cursor position support

是否有支持获得和确定治疗者立场的 j印本?



function getTextNodesIn(node) {
  var textNodes = [];

  if (node.nodeType == 3) {
  } else {
    var children = node.childNodes;

    for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
      textNodes.push.apply(textNodes, getTextNodesIn(children[i]));

  return textNodes;

function setSelectionRange(el, start, end) {
  if (document.createRange && window.getSelection) {
    var range = document.createRange();

    var textNodes = getTextNodesIn(el);
    var foundStart = false;
    var charCount = 0, endCharCount;

    for (var i = 0, textNode; textNode = textNodes[i++]; ) {
      endCharCount = charCount + textNode.length;

      if (!foundStart && start >= charCount && (start < endCharCount || (start == endCharCount && i < textNodes.length))) {
        range.setStart(textNode, start - charCount);
        foundStart = true;

      if (foundStart && end <= endCharCount) {
        range.setEnd(textNode, end - charCount);

      charCount = endCharCount;

    var sel = window.getSelection();

  } else if (document.selection && document.body.createTextRange) {
    var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();

    textRange.moveEnd( character , end);
    textRange.moveStart( character , start);

Now you just get your element and select stuff:

setSelectionRange(document.getElementById( dijitEditorBody ), 10, 50);

是,redactor.js 正在这样做:

$(#redactor ).redactor ( setCaret , elements, 4);

我正在寻找一种解决办法。 编辑并接过这个老问题。 这里是我这样做的方法(它把二jit/_editor/EnterKeyHandling plugin推向一滴)。


], function(declare, _Plugin, rangeapi, selectionapi) {
    var MyPlugin = declare(_Plugin, {
        setToolbar: function(editorToolbar){
            // [...]
            this.own(this.editor.on( keypressed , lang.hitch(this,  onKeyPressed )));

        onKeyPressed: function(){
            // summary:
            //      Handler for after the user has pressed a key, and the display has been updated.
            var block = undefined, 
                blockNode = undefined,
                selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window),
                range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
                selection = rangeapi.getSelection(this.editor.window);
                range = selection.getRangeAt(0);

            block = rangeapi.getBlockAncestor(range.endContainer, null, this.editor.editNode);
            if (block.blockNode) {
                blockNode = block.blockNode;
                // this is the node under the cursor...


    _Plugin.registry["myplugin"] = _Plugin.registry["myplugin"] = function(args){
        return new MyPlugin();

    return MyPlugin;


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