English 中文(简体)
这是一种有效的RELAXNG模式吗? I m 获取“Relax-NG 有效性错误:相互代谢中的无效顺序”
原标题:Is this a valid RELAX NG model? I m getting " Relax-NG validity error : Invalid sequence in interleave"

Well, I m trying to create a RELAX NG schema for PRTG advanced sensor output. Unfortunately the XML specification is a terrible mess IMHO, but I tried anyway.

Basically there are two possible results:

  • Success: There can be a Text element and there will be at least one Result element.
  • Error: There will be an Error element and (an optional?) Text element, too.

So my schema starts like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- RELAX NG specification for PRTG Advanced Sensors -->
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
    <element name="Prtg">
        <interleave><!-- error -->
          <element name="Error"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
          <element name="Text"><ref name="DT.Message" /></element>
        <interleave><!-- success -->
            <element name="Text"><ref name="DT.Message" /></element>
            <element name="Result">
                <element name="Channel"><text /></element>
                <element name="Value"><text /></element>
                <ref name="PRTG-TagSoup" />
  <!-- ... -->

C.Boolean is basically 0 or 1, and DT.Message is basically <text />. PRTG-TagSoup is a set of all-optional elements that excludes Text, Error, and Result.

I would say it s clear what is an error, and what is success, but xmllint seems to have trouble with that: I get error messages like this:

element Prtg: Relax-NG validity error : Expecting an element Error, got nothing
element Result: Relax-NG validity error : Invalid sequence in interleave
Relax-NG validity error : Extra element Text in interleave
element Prtg: Relax-NG validity error : Element Prtg failed to validate content

A sample input that triggers those messages is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--MonitoringOutput v0.2 id=id-16371 (PRTG.xsl v0.0.3)-->
  <!--Exit Code: 0-->
    <!--range: min="0"-->
<!-- ... -->
    <!--range: min="0"-->

Somehow my guess is that xmllint seeing the Text element does not know which branch to take. Even if I move the Text element after the last Result element, it does not parse.

Missing Parts


  <define name="C.Boolean">
    <choice datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
      <value type="integer">0</value>
      <value type="integer">1</value>

  <define name="DT.Message">
    <data datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"
      <param name="pattern">".{0,2000}"</param>

  <define name="PRTG-TagSoup">
      Unordered set of optional elements.
      The actual logic is hard to get from the specification.
        <!--- many more... -->
        <element name="CustomUnit"><text /></element>
        <element name="Float"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
        <element name="Warning"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
        <element name="ShowChart"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
        <element name="ShowTable"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
        <element name="LimitErrorMsg"><text /></element>
        <element name="LimitWarningMsg"><text /></element>
        <element name="LimitMode"><ref name="C.Boolean" /></element>
        <element name="ValueLookup"><text /></element>
        <element name="NotifyChanged"><empty /></element>

<代码>中使用的定期表述有误。 DT.Message patterns.

Jing 有效者将以下错误信息输入你的XML文件和图谱:



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