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原标题:Run Javascript when I open any website page
  • 时间:2023-10-10 17:28:58
  •  标签:
  • javascript

I am trying to modify css of a page using a javascript code. My aim is to run this javascript automatically whenever I open a website in Chrome. I have tried several Chrome extensions but it seems that it doesn t do the job (Requestly, Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey).


Here is my use case: I use a web app to fulfill orders. In my order page, I have several products and quantity of each product (see screenshot). I want to change the css to make the text bigger and red when the quantity is 2 (and not 1). So I am sure I don t miss anything. I cannot change anything on the web app because it is a third-party app.


function Change(word) {

  //find all html elements on the page inside the body tag
  let elems = document.querySelectorAll("td");
  // get our replacement ready
  let span = "<span style= color:blue;font-size:22px;font-weight:bold; >" + word + "</span>";
  //loop through all the elements
  for (let x = 0; x < elems.length; x++) {
    // for each element,  split  by the word we re looking for, then  join  it back with the replacement

// put your script function here

    elems[x].innerHTML = elems[x].innerHTML.split(word).join(span);

Change( 2 );




请查到chrome extension content script docs,并确保正确配置你的表现环境。

我想把这一点作为评论,但我缺乏声誉。 我道歉。

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