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原标题:How to export static images on Nextjs?


Error: Image Optimization using Next.js default loader is not compatible with next export. Possible solutions: - Use next start to run a server, which includes the Image Optimization API. - Use any provider which supports Image Optimization (like Vercel). - Configure a third-party loader in next.config.js. - Use the loader prop for next/image.


难道我可以简单地告诉它,让形象静态化吗? 我不想通过其他在线图像装载器。


你们需要在下台安装一个定制图像载体。 j)

next.config.js 文档中,将这一财产添加到出口中:

images: {
  loader: "custom"


function imageLoader({ src }) {
  return `/images/${src}`; // REPLACE WITH YOUR IMAGE DIRECTORY

module.exports = imageLoader;

For each Image component, set the loader prop manually:

const imageLoader = require("PATH TO loader.js");

<Image loader={imageLoader} />

我会补充一下Skara9的回答,因为它对我的工作不多。 我发现thread。 这只是围绕下司法学院图像部分进行的总结,对我来说,工作是毫无道理的。

// components/Image.js
import NextImage from "next/image";

// opt-out of image optimization, no-op
const customLoader = ({ src }) => {
  return src

export default function Image(props) {
  return (


import Image from  ../components/Image.js 

The most simple solution now is to just opt-out of next Image optimization. This was no issue for my project. You can do this by adding this to your next.config.js:

output:  export ,
images: {
    unoptimized: true,


  1. It s probably easier to just use a supported cloud Image loader like cloudinary.
  2. You could just as easy use Next s built-in image optimiser which you can launch with next start.

然而,如果你真想使用一种习俗预处理器和装载器,你可使用。 https://www.npmjs.com/ Package/next-image-export-optimizer 如先前的答复所述。


https://next-export-optimize-images.vercel.app/docs/comparison#next-image-export-optimizer” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://next-export-optimize-images.vercel.app/docs/comparison#next-image-export-optimizer


yarn add -D next-export-optimize-images


const withExportImages = require(  "next-export-optimize-images");
module.exports = withExportImages({...baseConfig, output: "export"})


-  "build": "next build",
+  "build": "next build && next-export-optimize-images",


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