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j 封闭范围链——如何看待受范围链约束的变量?
原标题:javascript closure scope chain- how to see the variables bound to the scope chain?
  • 时间:2011-11-14 21:37:18
  •  标签:
  • javascript

Javascript functions are objects and they have scope chain associated with them. If some closure exists with a function that has a different scope chain than the one that was in effect when they were defined.As an example invoking function is a returned function object from some other (parent) function that had a scope chain with a large number of private variables, so invoking function will use the already existing inherited scope chain of parent function as well as bounded old variables.






在相同情况下创建的职能可使用范围变数(Java 文本在功能上范围)。

你可以与他们接触,但你可以采取报告他们的方法。 如果这是共同的要求,我建议把内部变量放在“组合”变量中:

var obj = (function (config) {
return {
  getTest: function () {
    return config.test;
}({test: 1}));

Nick Zackas has done a good presentation about the scope chain (I think it s here: http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/06/nicholas-c-zakas-speed-up-your.html)

否则,使用 Chrome等开发工具的浏览器(Firebug常常忘记了范围变量是什么)。



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