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原标题:How to get type of generic [duplicate]
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Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
How to determine the class of a generic type?
How to obtain class instance generic argument type


public static class ServiceLocator

   private static Dictionary<Type, Type> services = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

   public static void RegisterService<T>(Type service)
      services[typeof (T)] = service;



I want to write the same logic on java. How can I get type of generic T (T.getClass() not working) like typeof (T) in c#?


你们可以 t。 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/erasure.html” rel=“nofollow” 你必须通过<条码>Class<T>作为论据。

我不理解你的例子。 你们为什么要为自己绘制<代码>Type>(Class)?


并不是可取的,但是,你可以检查你所期望的所有类别的可转让价格(Class cl),但是,像更好的设计一样,这种声音可以在此加以实施(一种没有涉及打字)。

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