English 中文(简体)
原标题:Arrays in recursive print method
  • 时间:2011-11-16 13:23:43
  •  标签:
  • arrays
  • scala

I m试图使<代码>印本替换,即产出以更可读格式封存。 最好举一个例子说明这一点:如List(Set(Vector(1.0,1.1),Vctor(0d)), Set(Vector(a),“b”,“c”, Vector(x”,“y”)

    Vector(1.0, 1.1)
    Vector(a, b, c)
    Vector(x, y)


def rprint(a: Any, indent: Int = 0): Unit = a match {
  case x: Traversable[_] =>
    if (x.isEmpty)
      rprint(x.toString, indent)
    else x.head match {
      case y: Traversable[_] => {
        rprint(x.toString.takeWhile(_ !=  ( ), indent)
        x foreach {i => rprint(i, indent + 2)}
      case y => rprint(x.toString, indent)
  case x => println(" " * indent + x)

我在努力争取与Arrays一道工作,而没有大量的法典重复。 我同他们一样,为其他收集工作。 具体地说:

  • 轨道不适用<代码>。

  • could convert Arrays using genericArrayOps to ArrayOps which is TraversableOnce, but TraversableOnce doesn t have a head method, so I can t see how to get an element to check its type

  • toString doesn t work quite like other collections (use .deep)




trait Printable[T] {
  def str(indent: Int = 0): String
  def str: String = str(0)
  def print(indent: Int = 0): Unit = println(str(indent))
  def print: Unit = print(0)

然后,如<条码>、和<条码>,<条码/代码>即为<条码>。 任何:

implicit def any2Printable(a: Any): Printable[Any] = new Printable[Any] {
  import collection._
  def name = a match {
    case a: Array[_] => "Array"
    case g: GenTraversableLike[_, _] => g.stringPrefix 
    case i: Iterator[_] => "Iterator"
    case _ => ""
  object Iter {
    def unapply(a: Any): Option[GenIterable[_]] = a match {
      case a: Array[_] => Some(a.toIterable)
      case t: GenTraversableOnce[_] => Some(t.toIterable)
      case _ => None
  object Nested {
    def unapply(i: GenIterable[_]): Option[GenIterable[_]] = i match {
      case nested if i.exists{case Iter(j) =>true case _ =>false} => Some(nested)
      case _ => None
  def str(indent: Int = 0) = " " * indent + (a match {
    case Iter(i) if i.isEmpty => name + " <empty>"
    case Iter(Nested(i)) => name + "
" + i.map(_.str(indent+2)).mkString("
    case Iter(i) => name + i.map(_.toString).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
    case _ => a.toString


    Array(1.0, 1.1)
    Vector <empty>
    Array <empty>
      Vector(a, b, c)
      Vector(x, y)
          Array(1.0, 1.1)
          Vector(a, b, c)
          Vector(x, y)

http://www.scala-lang.org/api/scala/collection/mutable/WrappedArray.html” rel=“nofollow”>。

Try tu在对应短语中使用更一般的类型,例如GenTraversable,以形成一种默示的转换。

import scala.collection.GenTraversable

def rprint[T](a: T, indent: Int = 0): Unit = a match {
  case x: String => println(" "*indent +  "  + x +  " )
  case x: GenTraversable[_] =>
    println(" "*indent + (x.stringPrefix))
    x foreach (rprint(_, indent+2))
  case x: Array[_] =>
    println(" "*indent + (a.getClass.getSimpleName))
    x foreach (rprint(_, indent+2))
  case x => println(" "*indent + x)

rprint(List("one", "two"))           //I don t know why this type is printed weird: $colon$colon
rprint(Array(1,2))                   //This prints less weird: int[]


我可以说明印刷某些类型名称的问题(如<代码>List和Array——见功能定义后的例子)。 http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm

I ve also try to connect type Array and GenTraversable - because there is implicit conversion from Array to WrapperArray <: GenTraversable.
The solution below doesn t satisfy as it prints "WrappedArray" instead "Array", when we call the function with Array instance

case x: Array[_] => rprint(x:GenTraversable[_])

I ve changed name extractor for GenTraversable to a.stringPrefix

It wasn t my intention to answer my own question, but I have something that works. I think it can be improved a lot, so suggestions are appreciated. There is still repetition and a rather ugly cast in there.

  def rprint(a: Any, indent: Int = 0): Unit = {
    val (typeStr, fullStr) = a match {
      case x: collection.mutable.WrappedArray[_] => ("Array", x.deep.toString)
      case x: Traversable[_] => (x.stringPrefix, x.toString)
      case _ => ("", "")
    a match {
      case x: Traversable[_] =>
        if (x.isEmpty)
          rprint(typeStr + " <empty>", indent)
          x.head match {
            case _: Array[_] => {
              rprint(typeStr, indent)
              x foreach {i => rprint(genericWrapArray(
                                       i.asInstanceOf[Array[_]]), indent + 2)}
            case _: Traversable[_] => {
              rprint(typeStr, indent)
              x foreach {i => rprint(i, indent + 2)}
            case _ => rprint(fullStr, indent)
      case x: Array[_] => rprint(genericWrapArray(x))
      case x => println(" " * indent + x)


scala> rprint(List(Array(Vector(1.0,1.1), Vector(0d)), Array(Array("a", "b", "c"), Array("x", "y"))))
    Vector(1.0, 1.1)
    Array(a, b, c)
    Array(x, y)

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