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原标题:Frequent Updates to Solr Documents - Efficiency/Scalability concerns

I have a Solr index with document fields something like:

id, body_text, date, num_upvotes, num_downvotes

In my application, a document is created with some integer id and some body_text (500 chars max). The date is set to the time of input, and num_upvotes and num_downvotes begin at 0.



I realize the solution may require a different layout of data, or possibly multiple indexes (although I don t know if you can query/score across solr cores).

Is anyone able to offer any recommendations on how to tackle this?



Also every night, when I don t have much traffic I do index optimize. After each import I set up some warm-up queries in SOLR config.

In my SOLR index I have around 1.5 milion documents,each document has 24 fields, and around 2000 characters in the entire document. I update the index every 10 minutes around 500 documents ( without optimizing the index ), and I do around 50 warmup queries comprised of most common facets, most used filter queries and free text search.

I don t get negative impact on performance. ( at least it is not visible ) - my queries run average in 0.1 seconds. ( before doing update at every 10 minutes average queries were 0.09 seconds)

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm LATER EDIT:

在这次更新期间,我没有遇到任何问题。 我从数据库中拿到这些文件,并用《生物浓缩公约》的关键内容插入这些文件。 如果在《保护臭氧层公约》中存在该文件,则予以替换(这是我通过更新的含义)。

更新《保护生命法》的时间从3分钟以上。 实际上,每次更新一次,我就花了10分钟的时间。 因此,我开始更新该指数,我等待完成,然后我再等10分钟。



Join的特稿将在此帮助您。 然后,你可以在一份单独文件中储存上下级的选票。


If you are only going to be updating the up/down votes. Instead of going back to the database, just use the appropriate Solr Client for your application and pull the document from the index, set the up/down values as needed and then reinsert the document back into the index.

在《保护臭氧层公约》中,你的问题没有解决办法。 你有一个数据库问题,你正试图用搜索引擎解决。

处理这一问题的最佳方式是保留<条码>redis。 记录、id、SOLR和上下表决计数的数据库。 然后,你可以把两个来源的数据合并起来,然后再显示。

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