English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is it a good idea to test classes in its own main?

When it comes to test your code, is it a good idea to use its own main for testing? The other option would be to use an external file with this tests.


Class Foo{
    public boolean met1(){/*...*/}
    //other metodes...

    public static void main(String args[]){
         Foo f = new Foo();
         //Test the correctness of data...

         boolean r = f.met1();
         //check the result...

What are the pros and cons of this technic. Maybe there are better approaches for testing code that i did not mention.


如果测试能够真正做到<>自动,那么你就应当使用外部档案,如Junnit等。 支持进行所有测试、持续整合、与冰绿线和红线报告等渠道......

如果是全球倡议的一个要素,你想要能够提出和看到它所看的是什么,或许可以人工点点,看什么情况,那么它就使用主机。 评注。

同样,如果方案管理员可能希望测试和观察变幻影中正在发生的情况,那么指挥线会变幻等等。 它使用主机。 评注。


It is OK if you want just to run your code when it was completed to check the result. But I prefer special Main class and call these method from it (just not to have junk code in many classes). But anyway JUnit tests are much better.



public class Foo

    private static String someText = "blah blah";

    public Foo(){/*...*/}

    public static void main(String args[])

我认为,除了使你的班级比需要大外,还有别的。 然而,我认为,应当努力起草正式测试,作为有助于避免错误的框架的一部分。

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