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原标题:GNUPlot matrix plot with changing distance between lines
  • 时间:2011-11-15 23:36:35
  •  标签:
  • gnuplot


#Y 0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4
    0    1    4    9   #X =  1
    1    2    5   10   #X =  2
    4    5    8   13   #X =  3
    9   10   13   18   #X =  5
   16   17   20   25   #X =  7
   25   26   29   34   #X = 10

However the file I want to plot has some changes in X-distance between the lines. As shown in comment. One can use set xtics but that only changes the numbers on the plot, while the points should be plotted on a linear axis.



无,不包括此类基质。 http://web.archive.org/web/20110721044143/http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/datafile-e.html

矩阵格式假设在x和 y点之间甚至会保持距离,但3D数据格式允许任意定位所有点。



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