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How to disable a4j:commandLink
原标题:How to disable a4j:commandLink

I have an a4j:commandLink and I want to disable it when it is clicked. I write the code like this:

    <a4j:commandLink id="link"
       <h:graphicImage value="/img/last-enable.gif" />

but it does not work. The same code can work in the a4j:commandButton, why a4j:commandLink can t? Anyone can tell me how to implement that function? Thanks


If you initially set onclick="return false;" you cannot run the action even once. So you have to set it dynamically as below.

<a4j:commandLink onclick="this.setAttribute( onclick ,  return false; );"/>


请尝试return false;,改为特殊风格,以便链接能照顾残疾人。

<a4j:commandLink id="link"
   onclick="return false;"
   style="text-decoration: none; color: #dedede; cursor: default;"
   <h:graphicImage value="/img/last-enable.gif" />

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