English 中文(简体)
原标题:I can t publish properly with Stream Publish using iframe facebook app


`$attachment = array( 
             message  => "test",
             text  =>  Download ,
             name  =>  name , 
             href  =>  http://www.mydomain.com , 
             description  =>  description! , 
             media  => array(array(
                 type  =>  mp3 , 
                 src  => "http://www.mydomain.com/mp3.mp3", 
                 href  =>  http://www.mydomain.com/ , 
                 title  => "title",
                 artist =>  artist ,
                 album =>   the album )));
            $facebook->api( /me/feed ,  post , $attachment);`

但是,当我以我的形象发表《专业考试》时,它只显示“测试”的信息。 The mp3 file don t. 问题是什么?

$attachment = array( 
             message  => "test",
             text  =>  Download ,
             name  =>  name , 
             href  =>  http://www.mydomain.com , 
             description  =>  description! , 
             media  => array(
                 type  =>  mp3 , 
                 src  => "http://www.mydomain.com/mp3.mp3", 
                 href  =>  http://www.mydomain.com/ , 
                 title  => "title",
                 artist =>  artist ,
                 album =>   the album ));
            $facebook->api( /me/feed ,  post , $attachment);


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