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继承费用 Java (Android)
原标题:Cost of Inheritance Java (Android)


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我想做的是。

I want to reproduce one of the behavior that Doctrine and Symfony are achieving in PHP with models. In a word:

  • From a yml file generate a bunch of BaseModel class with accessors and things that won t change.
  • Let the real model inherits from this BaseModel so that the user changes could persist even if they regenerate the models from the yml.

My question


If you think that it is clumsy, how can I allow the user to change the .yml file, generate the model and do no start from scratch rebuilding the customized aspects of his model. I know this can be done by some "trick" but I really would like not to reinvent the wheel.


Sorry, I forgot to add: I am using python to do this.

增 编


这种做法是正确的,很可能只是 Java。 在 Java,除非你使用<代码>final,否则所有电话都是虚拟的。 但这意味着你甚至可以使用接口。 因此,大多数电话很可能是几乎发送了你的一切。 继承不会受到任何其他重要惩罚。

Besides, Android devices are generally so powerful that trying to sqeeze out tiny bits of performance at the cost of readability and maintainability of the program is almost certainly not needed. In fact, most android devices are almost as powerful as web servers that do the same things in much slower PHP and still manage thousands of users while the Android device serves one.



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