English 中文(简体)
原标题:QuickSort Partition


我将执行pa与地雷相比较,地雷比执行缓慢3倍。 通过描述我们的守则,我发现主要的分裂是Partition

The following is excerpt form paul s Code:

void Partition(int data[], int low , int high){
 int pivot = data[low];
 int fromLow = low;
 int fromHigh = high;
 int ptr = low;

 goto QStart;
    do {
        if(fromLow >= fromHigh)
          goto QEnd;
    }while(data[fromHigh] > pivot)

    data[ptr] = data[fromHigh];
    ptr = fromHigh;

        if(fromLow >= fromHigh){
          ptr = fromHigh;
          goto QEnd;
    }while(data[fromLow] < pivot)
    data[ptr] = data[fromLow];
    ptr = fromLow;
   data[ptr] = pivot;


void MyPartition(int data[], int low , int high){

 int pivot = data[low]; 
 int fromLow = low;
 int fromHigh = high;
 int ptr = low;
 while(fromLow != fromHigh){
    if(data[fromHigh] >= pivot)
        data[ptr] = data[fromHigh];
        ptr = fromHigh;

        while(data[fromLow] <= pivot && fromLow != fromHigh)
            fromLow ++;
        data[ptr] = data[fromLow];
        ptr = fromLow;
 data[ptr] = pivot;

These two functions implement the same algorithm, and I believe they have the same BigO:

  1. first, scanning array from high end to low end (right => left) for finding the first value is less than pivot.
  2. then, scanning array from low end to high end (left => right) for finding the first value is greater than pivot.
  3. In either scan, if anything is found, then we "swap it with pivot value", this is logical swap,because pivot value is cached with variable pivot, we can regard variable ptr as the current pivot value position.



int PartitionData2(int * data, int low, int high){
  int pivot = data[low]; 
  int fromLow = low;
  int fromHigh = high;
  int ptr = low;

  while(fromLow < fromHigh){      
    if(data[fromHigh] > pivot)           //  >=  ==>  > 
      data[ptr] =data[fromHigh] ;
      ptr = fromHigh;      

      while(data[++fromLow] < pivot &&   //  <=  ==>  < 
            fromLow != fromHigh);

      data[ptr] = data[fromLow];
      ptr = fromLow;
      fromHigh--;                        // antti.huima s idea
  data[ptr] = pivot;
  return ptr;

我只是根据阿蒂特·胡马的想法更新法典,这使我的法典成为 codes。


UPDATE2: I understand the reason why we need move element which equals to pivot, because if we don t, the two new partitions will be uneven, e.g. there should be one is much larger than another. it eventually go to O(n^2) case.

http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/talks/QuicksortIsOptimal.pdf”rel=“nofollow”>this PDF




   while(data[fromLow] <= pivot && fromLow != fromHigh)

第一次检查是多余的,因为它始终认为,在你开始这种重复处理时,第一种重复数据[来自Low]并不高于原始数据。 原因是,每当你开始这种争执时,你就只能从高纬度的纸面上挥发。 由于随机订购的阵列,这种隔.只能用于一对一对一对 lo(可终止50%的随机粉碎机),实际上,你进行了25%的额外比较,而只有限制检查之前就没有做粉碎比较的pa法,但首先从Low进行加固。

You have the same performance bug in the first loop where you decrease fromHigh, even though it s syntactically different. paul s code doesn t have it... and that s why he needs to goto to QStart :)

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