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原标题:JavaScript CSV Parser Library [closed]
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Closed 10 years ago.

Is there a decent CSV Parser library for JavaScript? I ve used this and that solution so far. In the first solution a new line is never created as a new sub-array, also the code tells so and the second solution does not work on text files formatted in Windows with <CR><LF> , respectively


text = text.replace("

to the Windows CSV files? This actually works, but I think this is a little bit quirks. Are there csv parser which are more common than a random bloggers solution?


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 这里容易的解决办法





"this is some","valid CSV data","with a 
newline char"

Will break it because the will be mistakenly interpreted as the end of an entry.

要想找到一个完整的解决办法,你最好要创建一种Non-Deterministic Finite State organs)lexer/parser。 如果你听到Chomsky Hierarchy,CSV可被划为三克mar。 这意味着国家跟踪的果园或象征性加工。

我拥有一个完全的RFC 4180兼容的客户-边图书馆,但我只吸引了外部链接的删除令。 如果你重新感兴趣的话,我的发言中就有一个环节;否则,就好了。

我恳请大家从经验中发出公平的警告,社保会认为表面上很容易。 在研究10个执行单位之后,我只看到了3个支离破碎的 par子,他们从事了合理的工作,满足了这一幽灵,他们当中没有一个完全符合《刑法》。 我只得在社区、抽签和抽签下撰写一份。



// based on json_parse from JavaScript The Good Part by D. Crockford
var csv_parse = function () {
    var at,
        error = function (m) {
            throw {
                name:  SyntaxError ,
                message: m,
                at: at,
                text: text  
        next = function (c) {
            if (c && c !== ch) {
                error("Expected  " + c + "  instead of  " + ch + " ");

            ch = text.charAt(at);
            at += 1;
            return ch;
        //needed to handle "" which indicates escaped quote
        peek = function () {
            return text.charAt(at); 
        white = function () {
            while (ch && ch <=     && ch !==  
 ) {
        // if numeric, then return number
        number = function () {
            var number,
                string = word();

            number = +string;
            if (isNaN(number)) {
                return string;
            } else {
                return number;
        word = function () {
            var string =   ;
            while (ch !==  ,  && ch !==  
 ) {
                string += ch;
            return string;
        // the matching " is the end of word not ,
        // need to worry about "", which is escaped quote
        quoted = function () {
            var string =  ;

            if (ch ===  " ) {
                while (next()) {
                    if (ch ===  " ) {
                        //print( need to know ending quote or escaped quote );
                        // need to know ending quote or escaped quote ("")
                        if (peek() ===  " ) {
                            //print( maybe double quote near  +string);
                            next( " );
                            string += ch;
                        } else {
                            next( " )
                            return string;
                    } else {
                        string += ch;
                return string;
            error("Bad string");
        value = function () {

            switch(ch) {
            case  - :
                return number();
            case  " :
                return quoted();
                return ch >=  0  && ch <=  9  ? number() : word();  

            return number();
        line = function () {
            var array = [];
            if (ch ===  
 ) {
                return array;//empty []
            while (ch) {
                array.push( value() );
                if (ch ===  
 ) {
                    return array;//got something
                next( , );// not very liberal with delimiter

  return function (_line) {
    var result;
    text = _line;
    at = 0;
    ch =    ;
    result = line();
    if (ch) {
        error("Syntax error");
    return result;


csvToArray v1.3



共同使用:j Query

        url: "test.csv",
        dataType:  text ,
        cache: false

共同使用: Java

csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray();

Override field separator

csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("|");


csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("", "#");

Override Skip Header

csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("", "", 1);


csvAsArray = csvAsString.csvToArray("|", "#", 1);

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