English 中文(简体)
div的Load page,上层
原标题:Load page in div, go to top of that div


<script language="javascript"> 
function arata(temp) { 
            var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
            req.open("GET", temp, false); 
            var page = req.responseText; 
            document.getElementById("produs").innerHTML = page; 


<a href="#produs" onclick="arata( facturaies_vezi.php?nrfacties=<?=$row[nrfacties];?>#produs ); return true;"  id="<?=$nrcrt;?>">See details</a>


<div id="produs"></div>

So, when the link is clicked, the page loads in to div.

How can I do to align the top of div to the top of the viewpoint? I mean... something like using an #anchor.



document.getElementById( produs ).scrollIntoView();



如果你想用一个 anchor子来做,请在<条码>和>上加上一个名称=“produs”></a>,在<条码>c>上填写,如果你不使用<条码>,则该编码应当发挥作用。

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