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原标题:Appending an array of objects to FormData in React


我有一份反射前线和DjangoResend,我试图在请求中发送一系列物体。 我恳切地在邮政局工作,既包括JSON的原始投入,也包括该表。



So I know that my backend should be able to handle it fine, but no matter what I try in my React code I get the same 400 error. Here is my (slightly trimmed) function from my front end:

    const formData = new FormData();
    if(data.photo.length >= 1) {
        formData.append( photo , data.photo[0]);
    formData.append( recipe_name , data.recipe_name);

    formData.append( ingredients , JSON.stringify(data.ingredients));
    // data.ingredients.forEach(element => {
    //     console.log(JSON.stringify(element))
    //     formData.append( ingredients[] , JSON.stringify(element))
    // });

    // for(let i=0; i < data.ingredients.length; i++) {
    //     console.log(data.ingredients[i])
    //     formData.append( ingredients[] , JSON.stringify(data.ingredients[i]))
    // }


    const config = {
        headers: {
             content-type :  multipart/form-data ,
             Authorization : localStorage.getItem( access_token ) ?
             Bearer   + localStorage.getItem( access_token ) :
    axiosInstance.post( /recipes/ , formData, config).then((response) => {
        navigate( /recipe/  + response.data.id);

I left some commented out code of different things I ve tried, but to summarize, I ve tried:

formData.append( ingredients , data.ingredients);

formData.append( ingredients , JSON.stringify(data.ingredients));

formData.append( ingredients[] , JSON.stringify(data.ingredients));

data.ingredients.forEach(element => {
    formData.append( ingredients[] , JSON.stringify(element))

data.ingredients.forEach(element => {
    formData.append( ingredients , JSON.stringify(element))

data.ingredients.forEach(element => {
    formData.append( ingredients , element)

data.ingredients.forEach(element => {
    formData.append( ingredients[] , element)


我也试图调查我从前端寄来的数据本身,但只要我能告诉他们,他们也没有错过。 这里是来自我表格组成部分的原始数据:


以及个人要素(每 lo中印):




我真的是在试图做什么时丧生,我感到像我这样基本上尝试了一切,我以前在座各位发现的同一问题的所有答案都表明我所尝试的东西。 任何帮助都将受到高度赞赏。



var jsonObject = {
  key1:  value1 ,
  key2:  value2 ,
  key3:  value3 

var jsonBlob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(jsonObject)], { type:  application/json  });

formData.append( jsonFile , jsonBlob,  data.json );

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