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原标题:Passing "(" and ")" through a URI causes a 403 error, how can I encode them?

(关于XML HTTP请求的Java 和用于执行QQ的PHP。)

I m 建造一个可进行查询的网站。 它使用XMLHTTP要求使用GET方法,并向执行该方法的PHP文字发出询问。 在我介绍括号内编码(<>>>(<>>>>>>>>/代码之前,该编码将予以罚款。


function executeQry(){
qry = document.getElementByID( textarea ).value;
//I ve also tried encodeURIComponent(qry);

function xmlHTTPRequest(qry){
urlFetch = "http://my.url.com/script.php?qry=" + qry;


SELECT * FROM `tableName`


CREATE TABLE `new_table`
AS (SELECT * FROM `old_table`)

Then this is when it won t execute, I get the 403 error so I figured that it s an with the () because I even tried this same code on the PHP itself, without having to pass it through and it worked, so there must be an issue with the URL encoding process right? If this is the issue, is there a method for encoding these characters? I assume there are other characters that don t get encoded with encodeURI() method as well as the encodeURIComponent(). Thanks in advance!



urlFetch = "http://my.url.com/script.php?qry=" + encodeURIComponent(qry)
    .replace(/(/g, "%28").replace(/)/g, "%29");

父母在URI grammar中是单球。 很多公司将其视为特殊产品,即使其只有<>>>>>> 。 有了共同的网络议定书(,s, mailto),便可将其编码为%28%29。 虽然网络服务器被允许为其分配特殊意义。 页: 1 因此,你已经假定,URL越狱顺序是UTF-8。

RFC 3986:

sub-delims    "!" / "$" / "&" / " " / "(" / ")"
            / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="


obsolete rule     translation
mark              "-" / "_" / "." / "!" / "~" / "*" / " "
                / "(" / ")"

作为评论者,你有一些问题。 Brackets () and [] are valid in URIs, but have specific purpose hence they are not encode function.

Secondly, it is a really bad idea to send SQL over the wire, especially in a get request. See RFC 2616. Methods like get and head are considered safe , they should only implement retrieval, they are not meant to change state. I would really reconsider what you are doing and see if you could achieve it in a cleaner way, possibly seeking opinions on your conceptual architecture at Programmers.stackexchange.

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