English 中文(简体)
原标题:Whats the difference between a EJB object and implementation bean?

I think it refers the EJB object as i.e. a field in your class which references to the EJB.
It s not an EJB instance - it s a proxy which gives you access to the EJB instance.


public class YourClass {

    private MyEJB myEjb;  // This is a proxy - not a concrete EJB instance

在出入通道期间,即myEjb.doSomething(),该集装箱检查将执行该电话的免费EJB。 另一时间,您援引myEjb.doSomething(>,该集装箱可再为EJB。



The EJB framework provides services like transactionality for your implmenetation classes and this is done by inversion of control.
When you write a session bean, you write only the business logic of the application and the EJB contatiner handles client calls and all middleware stuff. To do so it generates EJB objects augmented with the extra functionality and also containing your business logic. When you annotate your class, you tell the EJB container to treat it as a basis for EJB objects.
What the excerpt wishes to clarify that stateless session beans do not preserve their state longer than one client request. (Not as stateful beans)


我认为你混淆不清的是使用EJB Objects这一术语。

我不认为有任何特殊术语。 或许可以读


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只有在采用单一方法电话的情况下,才对客户进行无国家开庭。 客户的第二次电话使用自由集合中的一例。

(“客户”——可以是电灯、 session子、 m子或由土发委会管理的灯塔,也可以是日本宇宙开发公司为获得电子jb参考资料而做调查的。)

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