English 中文(简体)
原标题:What applescript data type would I use for this?


tell application "TextEdit"
    set test to the bounds of window 1
end tell

display dialog test


error "Can’t make {10, 22, 400, 1003} into type string." number -1700
from {10, 22, 400, 1003} to string




显示方言只能显示方言。 窗户已作为人数清单退还给你。 因此,你必须从这些信息中拿出力量,以便你能够展示这些信息。 这样做有几种办法,但在这里,我们只是创造新的扼杀手段,并将约束数字插入我们所希望的那部分。 你们可以看到,我把新扼杀的眼光像编号清单......但确实是一个扼杀。

tell application "TextEdit"
    set boundsList to the bounds of window 1
end tell

set boundsString to "{" & ((item 1 of boundsList) as text) & ", " & ((item 2 of boundsList) as text) & ", " & ((item 3 of boundsList) as text) & ", " & ((item 4 of boundsList) as text) & "}"
display dialog boundsString


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