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原标题:OpenCV facedetect example won t load cascade classifier xml

I m working on a application that requires OpenCV object detection using Haar cascade classifier. I m using OpenCV 2.3.1 with VS2010 on a 64bit Windows Machine. I compiled and built OpenCV myself and didn t use any pre-compiled binaries.

First, I wanted to start meddling with the example facedetect.cpp that s included in OpenCV. I built it with no errors, but when I m trying to run it won t open the cascade classifier xml file (the CascadeClassifier.load() function returns false). I didn t change anything from the sample source code.

I m using the xml file that is distributed with OpenCV so the problem isn t with the xml file. I also made sure that the application can access and read the file using a simple fopen.

I believe (but not sure) that the problem seems to be that the cascade classifier is of an "old" type. But in the OpenCV documentation it is specifically implied that the new CascadeClassifier object can open both "old" and "new" cascade classifiers.


我甚至利用了预先准备的开放CV2.2双手,并且与这xml公司进行了出色的工作。 然后,我试图汇编2.2种来源代码样本,并再次把罐装上Xml。




2. 整条xml文档

String face = "c:/data/xml/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";


我通过使用附注D++来完成这项工作。 我将所有相关的xml文档转换为ANSI,并删除了第1行的<代码><?xml edition=“1.0”?>,然后用手方式重改。

如果你使用窗户,就会检查道路。 关切

  1. escape sequence in the path.
  2. forward or backward slash depending on operating system.

It should be like C:\Ceemple\data\haarcascades\haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml. (by the way I am using Ceemple IDE)

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