English 中文(简体)
• 如何在无控制人姓名的情况下手工操作控制器
原标题:How can I instantiate a controller manually based on a url without controller name

I have a CMS that stores the URL of a "page" in the database. The page has a reference to a template, which is just a regular aspx file. Using URL rewriting the request is sent to the correct aspx file.

我们得到多国旅的支持几乎已经完成,但有一个问题。 m形形形形形形形形色色色,它期望着尿中的控制器名(即,我知道,你可以在没有控制器名的情况下为尿液设置一个违约控制器,但所有网页都有不同的控制器),因此难以支持 following状。


For example:




So basically what we would like to do is to take the pagename, find the correct page our system, find the referenced template(controller in mvc) and set up manual routing for that controller and action. Any ideas on how to do that? Or should be just accept that URL s in mvc needs the controller name in most cases?



这根本不是事实。 是的,这是最荒谬的恶意行为,你可以在盒子外使用。 但这绝不仅限于此,也不局限于地雷危险物质。 您可以(如果是你,你应当)根据以下任何一种情况,确立习惯路线处理逻辑:

  • Custom route constraint - make yourself a custom IRouteConstraint, which you will use on your route handling your content pages served by one particular "content" controller
  • Custom RouteHandler - this is more advanced solution, if you want something really special, but from your question, you do not

If you are planning to have more than one "content-page" handling controller, and you want to choose it from routing data against DB, you have to implement custom ControllerFactory - that is the place where is in MVC stack decided, which controller will be used. There are plenty of examples of this, just google custom controller factory.



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