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Error with jQuery have a CSV file
原标题:Error with jQuery get of a CSV file

Here is my relevant jQuery code:

$.get( sampleData.csv , function(data) {
    var lines = data.split( 



I get 2 errors. On the first line of csv file I get the error





http://www.ohchr.org。 根据火力星群,对应器如下:

2009,0,2,29.0000 2009,... 2011,10,30,494.3500

ETA I added an alert of the data before I try splitting it into lines, and I get the following:



我认为,你误解了哪怕是哪一种 j子,可以用来使用。

From it s doc page, "...Load data from the server using a HTTP GET request...."

在一个档案中提取一个美元,不会让你把数据输入一个可以使用的结构。 您必须通过一个服务器提出这一要求,然后提供.csv数据。

$.get( http://url.to.server.page ,function(data){
    var dataStr = new String(data);
    var lines = dataStr.split( 

EDIT:: Since you say the data is being loaded properly, try this fiddle. It works just fine.


Your last edit gave some interesting insight. When it pulls the .csv file, its converting it to a type of XML vs text. Try the following:

$.get( http://url.to.server.page ,function(data){
    var dataStr = new String(data);
    var lines = dataStr.split( 
},dataType= text );



页: 1 学历:

$.get( data.csv , function(data) {
  var lines = data.split( 

works until jquery version 1.5.
From version 1.5 callback function in get() method is passed "jqXHR" object, not "XMLHttpRequest" object.
Code can be changed to:

$.get( data.csv , function(data) {
  var lines = data.split( 
}, "text");



你们几乎在那里。 失去最后的母体,需要不同的分母。

$.get( sampleData.csv , function(data) {
var lines = data.split( , );


Ah 您将社保更改为两条线,即假定它只是一个线,它被 com体所割除,而不是由新线收集的数据。 下面我对我进行了测试并做了罚款。

<script type="text/javascript">Jquery Reference or insert directly here </script>

    $.get( csv.csv , function(data) {
    // Split the lines
    var lines = data.split( 
    var i = 0;

    for(i=0; i<lines.length; i++)




I just had that html file on my desktop with the csv you pasted in the same place.

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