English 中文(简体)
正常的 com,从一开始至尾,作为牙、奶牛
原标题:Normalised compass bearing from start to end point as lat, lng pairs
  • 时间:2011-11-16 15:49:10
  •  标签:
  • math
  • vb6


at ......+π (即180°......+180°)) 实现折合结果的正常化(在360度之间,在180° ......360度之间,现值变为180° ......360度),转化成学位,然后使用(θ+360)360 %,其中60%为模块。


brng = (θ + 360) Mod 360



am i committing a mistake..? or am I missing something.? Please help me.



Dim b As Double
Dim x As Double 
Dim y As Double 
Dim Dlat As Double 
Dim DLon As Double

Private Const pi As Double = 3.14159265358979

Public Function Atn2(ByVal y As Double, ByVal x As Double) As Double
    On Error GoTo DivideError
    Atn2 = Atn(y / x)
    If (x < 0) Then
        If (y < 0) Then Atn2 = Atn2 - vbPI Else Atn2 = Atn2 + vbPI
    End If
    Exit Function

    If Abs(y) > Abs(x) Then    Must be an overflow
        If y > 0 Then Atn2 = vbPI / 2 Else Atn2 = -vbPI / 2
        Atn2 = 0    Must be an underflow
    End If
    Resume Next
End Function

Public Sub AFAMP()
    lat1 = Val(Text1.Text) * pi / 180  conveting to radians
    lat2 = Val(Text2.Text) * pi / 180
    Long1 = Val(Text3.Text) * pi / 180
    Long2 = Val(Text4.Text) * pi / 180
    Dlat = (lat1 - lat2)
    DLon = (Long1 - Long2)
    y = Math.Sin(DLon) * Math.Cos(lat2)
    x = Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2) - Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(DLon)
    b = Atn2(y, x) * (180 / pi)
    Text5.Text = (b +360) mod 360
End Sub


lat1 = Val(7.337361) * pi / 180 

lat2 = Val(7.000667) * pi / 180

Long1 = Val(81.626198) * pi / 180

Long2 = Val(80.773737) * pi / 180

我用在线协调计算器,回答为248。 我的情况是292度。 谁能帮助我? 我 st。


正如Deanna在评论中所说的那样,292个是正确的答案。 68 + 360 = 292

该法典是 Java,因为我可以记住VB syntax。

斜度。 不要重复这一法典,使之成为编号方法。 或者具有两个参数的头等功能,无论贵国的语文如何支持。

  Number.prototype.toDegrees = function (unit) {
    const u = (unit || "d").toLowerCase().charAt(0);
    switch (u) {
      case  r : //radians
        return this * 180 / Math.PI;
      case  g : //grads
        return this * 200 / Math.PI;
      case  d : //degrees
        return this;
      default: //radians
        return this * 180 / Math.PI;


Number.prototype.toNormalisedDegrees = function () {
  return (this - 360 * (Math.trunc(this / 360) - 1)) % 360;


  Number.prototype.toCompassBearing = function (unit) {
    const degrees = unit && unit.toLowerCase().charAt(0) === "r" ? this.toDegrees() : this;
    return (90 - degrees).toNormalisedDegrees();

Test with some known values

Number.prototype.toDegrees = function (unit) {
  const u = (unit || "d").toLowerCase().charAt(0);
  switch (u) {
case  r :
  return this * 180 / Math.PI;
case  g :
  return this * 200 / Math.PI;
  return this;
Number.prototype.toNormalisedDegrees = function () {
  return (this - 360 * (Math.trunc(this / 360) - 1)) % 360;
Number.prototype.toCompassBearing = function (unit) {
  return (90 - this.toDegrees(unit)).toNormalisedDegrees();

console.log(`0 cartesian (E) => ${(0).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`90 cartesian (N) => ${(90).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`90-22.5 cartesian (NNE) => ${(90-22.5).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`180 cartesian (W) => ${(180).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-68 cartesian => ${(-68).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-68 compass bearing => ${(-68).toNormalisedDegrees()} normalised degrees`);
console.log(`270 cartesian (S) => ${(270).toCompassBearing("d")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`0 cartesian (E) => ${(0).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`PI/2 cartesian (N) => ${(0.5 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`PI cartesian (W) => ${Math.PI.toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`1.5 PI cartesian (S) => ${(1.5 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`2 PI cartesian (E) => ${(2 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`20 PI cartesian (E) => ${(20 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-2 PI cartesian (E) => ${(-2 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-2.5 PI cartesian (S) => ${(-2.5 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-3 PI cartesian (W) => ${(-3 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);
console.log(`-3.5 PI cartesian (N) => ${(-3.5 * Math.PI).toCompassBearing("r")} compass bearing`);

If 292 is right, what s this 248 business?

您询问如何将客体标题改为正常程度,但你提供的样本代码以及你认为正确的结果都表明,你实际上想要做的是确定拉坦、Lng pairs的起始点和终点点所确定的标题,并以正常程度表示。

There s an article here suggesting a method and your code looks like a botched attempt to implement this.

如果你在 Java文中正确的话,就是这样。

Number.prototype.toDegrees = function(unit) {
  const u = (unit || "d").toLowerCase().charAt(0);
  switch (u) {
    case  r :
      return this * 180 / Math.PI;
    case  g :
      return this * 200 / Math.PI;
      return this;
Number.prototype.toRadians = function() {
  return this * Math.PI / 180;
Number.prototype.toNormalisedDegrees = function() {
  return (this - 360 * (Math.trunc(this / 360) - 1)) % 360;

function bearing(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {
  const X = Math.cos(lat2) * Math.sin(lng2 - lng1);
  const Y = Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.cos(lng2 - lng1);
  return Math.atan2(X, Y);

const lat1 = (7.337361).toRadians();
const lng1 = (81.626198).toRadians();
const lat2 = (7.000667).toRadians();
const lng2 = (80.773737).toRadians();
const bearingRadians = bearing(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2);
const bearingDegrees = bearingRadians.toDegrees("radians");

console.log(`bearingRadians = ${bearingRadians}`);
console.log(`bearingDegrees = ${bearingDegrees}`);
console.log(`normalisedDegrees = ${bearingDegrees.toNormalisedDegrees()}`);


  • Latitude and Longitude are in the compass frame of reference and do not require conversion from the cartesian frame of reference.
  • This code is written so that the result is in the compass frame of reference.
  • The result is in radians and then converted to degrees.
  • The degrees are then normalised to the 0-360 range.
  • Using your inputs I get your expected output.

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