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渠道:recv_exit_status in paramiko总会恢复因援引而执行的第一名指挥官的返回法。
原标题:channel.recv_exit_status in paramiko always returns the return code of the first command executed over invoke_shell

I am getting some discrepancy in the return code below. May be I am not using in the proper way. Every-time I print the return code, it prints the same as the first one has returned. Do I need to reset the return code. I mean in the following example, I am getting the return code as 2 for both the commands. Now when I interchange both the commands, I mean replace ls -al;exit with ls -al file_not_exist;exit and vice versa, it prints return code 0. Each time it prints the same return code as the first one has returned.

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect( localhost , username= sam , password= mypassword )

channel = ssh.invoke_shell()
channel.send( ls -al file_not_exist;exit
 ) #Sending to list a file which doesn t exist
print("My 1st command exit status is: ", channel.exit_status_ready())
print("My 1st command return code is: ", channel.recv_exit_status())

channel.send( ls -al;exit
print("My 2nd command exit status is: ",channel.exit_status_ready())
print("My 2nd command return code is: ",channel.recv_exit_status())

我需要印刷每个指挥部的返回代码。 请帮助我如何解决这一问题?


s后退的状态是沙丘进程执行的遥控指挥状态。 只有在以下情况下,才能取得一种退约状态:invoke_shell(,即壳体本身的退船状态。 只有在这种环境下,才知道撤离指挥状态。


See also: Can I get the exit code of a command executed in a subshell via ssh?

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