English 中文(简体)
原标题:Passing ID Attributes
  • 时间:2011-11-18 16:43:22
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • scope

我在利用每个功能而感到悲伤,但我遇到麻烦,无法将我带往我的模式箱。 该守则是:

(function() {
$( div.heriyah ).each(function() { 
$(this).html( <div class="add"><div id="add_button_container"><div id="add_button" class="edit_links">+ ADD NEW CONTENT</div></div></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="placeable"></div></div> );

$( .add ).click(function() {
$.fallr( show , {
          content     :   <iframe width="620" height="600" src="<? echo $URL ?>/manage_content.php?id=<? echo $pageID; ?>&div= +$(this).attr( id )+ "></iframe> ,
          width       : 620 + 5, // 100 = for width padding
          height         : 600,
          closeKey        : true,
          closeOverlay    : true,
          buttons     : {}





 +$(this).attr( id )+ 

To grab the id inside my modal box function.

Thanks, Drummer



    (function() {
    $( div.heriyah ).each(function() { 
    $(this).html( <div class="add"><div id="add_button_container"><div id="add_button" class="edit_links">+ ADD NEW CONTENT</div></div></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="placeable"></div></div> ); 

    var curID = $(this).attr( id );//get the id before you go into fallr

    $( .add ).click(function() {
    $.fallr( show , {
              content     :   <iframe width="620" height="600" src="<? echo $URL ?>/manage_content.php?id=<? echo $pageID; ?>&div= +curID + "></iframe> ,
              width       : 620 + 5, // 100 = for width padding
              height         : 600,
              closeKey        : true,
              closeOverlay    : true,
              buttons     : {}


You are referencing $(this) from within the SECOND anonymous function. So you are asking for the $(this) of .add not the div.heriyah That is why you re not getting the ID.

这是因为,“现在指的是 fall倒。

$( .add ).click(function() {
    var _this = $(this);
    $.fallr( show , {
              content     :   /manage_content.php?id=&div= +_this+ "> ,
              width       : 620 + 5, // 100 = for width padding
              height         : 600,
              closeKey        : true,
              closeOverlay    : true,
              buttons     : {}

在你正在建立<代码>iframe时,$(this)$( .add ),not

Before you bind the click event, just create a new variable and store $(this).attr( id ), and use that value instead.

classic scope issue - You re trying to get the id attribute of the .add element because you re in that scope.

a. 在<代码>each上加固(这一)美元的功能和使用:

$( div.heriyah ).each(function() {
$(this).html( <div class="add"><div id="add_button_container"><div id="add_button"      class="edit_links">+ ADD NEW CONTENT</div></div></div><div class="clear"></div><div class="placeable"></div></div> );

var that = $(this);

$( .add ).click(function() {
    $.fallr( show , {
          content     :   <iframe width="620" height="600" src="<? echo $URL ?>/manage_content.php?id=<? echo $pageID; ?>&div= +that.attr( id )+ "></iframe> ,
          width       : 620 + 5, // 100 = for width padding
          height         : 600,
          closeKey        : true,
          closeOverlay    : true,
          buttons     : {}


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