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日美特人不能启动日美特大普朗辛试验。 为什么?
原标题:JUnit Could not launch the JUnit plug-in tests. why?

First time I am trying Junit and I am following below link: http://www.vogella.de/articles/JUnit/article.html

When I run my testClass as Run-As-> Junit Test. It says below thing. Please help me in figure it out.

Could not launch the JUnit plug-in tests because project  SalesTax 
 is not a plug-in project.

SalesTax: Is the Project Name enter image description here


我怀疑你确实创建了一个Eclipse jUnit Plugin试验发射配置,旨在操作Eclipse plugins jUnit检测(在某些 mo碎的lip片环境下)。



建议——指导。 教学法(三线)中的“MyClass 试验”类型。 证明你能够从事辅导工作。 回答有关辅导的任何问题。


问题:我假定你再次使用Eclipse,正确吗? Eclipse 3.7?


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