English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2008-11-10 10:57:54
  •  标签:


  • Text display
  • Date and time
  • Units
  • Numbers and decimals
  • User input formats
  • LeftToRight support
  • Dialog and control sizes




  • Translate text bodies with aforementioned things
  • Test all your controls for length/alignment in LTR/RTL, TTB(TopToBottom) BTT and all it s combinations.
  • Look out for special characters and encodings
  • Look out for combinations of different alignments (LTR, RTL, TTB, BTT) and how they effect punctuation and quotation signs.
  • Align controls according to text alignment (Hebrew Win has its start menu at the right
  • Take string lengths into account. They can overflow in other languages.
  • Put labels at the correct side of icons (LTR, TTB etc)
  • Translate language selection controls
  • No texts in images (can t be translated)
  • Translate EVERYTHING (headers, logos, some languages use different brand names, product names etc)
  • Does the region have a 24:00 or a 00:00 (changes the AM/PM that goes with it too)
  • Does the region use AM/PM or the 24:00 system
  • What calendar system are they using
  • What digit is for what part of the date (day, month, year in all its combinations)
  • Try to avoid "copying [number] files" equivalents. Some regions have different rules about changing words according to quantities. (This is an extremely complicated topic that I will elaborate on if desired)
  • Translate sentences, not words. Syntax rules are too complicated to put in your business logic.
  • Don t use flags for regions. Languages != countries
  • Consider what languages / dialects you can support (e.g. India has a gazillion of languages)
  • Encoding
  • Cultural rules (some western images displaying business woman can be near offensive in some other cultures)
  • Look out for language generalizations (e.g. boot(UK) != boot(US))





  1. 不要逐词翻译,翻译整个短语,即使有相同的重复。您之后可能需要将其翻译成一种单词在不同上下文中需要不同修改的语言,您可能最终得到一个类似于“颜色:略带绿色”的类比。

  2. Right2Left 包括列表编号、对齐和备用滚动条。

  3. 阿拉伯语根据周围字母以不同方式书写相同的字母。您不能仅从字符缓冲区打印字符串,您需要一个特殊的控件来输出那些字符或来自您平台的支持。

  4. 字母排序很难。没有一个中国人可以向我解释规则,但他们总是能够发现排序错误的单词。看起来有许多选项可以对中文进行排序。我猜其他语言可能也有同样的问题。
