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保留可诉性 忽视囚室束缚的细胞背景
原标题:Keep UITableViewCell s background view from ignoring cell bounds
  • 时间:2011-11-21 20:41:09
  •  标签:
  • iphone
  • ios

我们在这里有一个非常定制的“可调通”号。 因此,它基本上看着这一点:

+   Image view   +
+ (230px height) +
+ Content        +
+ Content        +
+ Overall 340px  +



    // Custom UITableViewCell class, this is part of a method that gets called
    // in an overriden -layoutSubviews
    UIImage *watermarkImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"myBackground.png"];

    int watermarkWidth = watermarkImage.size.width;
    int watermarkHeight = watermarkImage.size.height;

    int watermarkX = screenWidth - watermarkWidth;
    int watermarkY = imageView.frame.size.height + 10;

    CGRect watermarkFrame = CGRectMake(watermarkX, watermarkY, watermarkWidth, watermarkHeight);

    UIImageView *watermarkImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:watermarkFrame];
    [watermarkImageView setImage:watermarkImage];

    [self setBackgroundView:watermarkImageView];

这一工作相对较好,但图象大于,因此大于电池本身。 这造成背景意见与地下室相重叠,而后者似乎很诚实。

What can I do to make the backgroundView respect the cell boundaries? Setting clipsToBounds to YES didn t work.


Like I posted in the comments: I would enable clipping on self because the subview backgroundView is too large.

此外: 我将使用

UIImageView *imgView = [[UImageView alloc] initWithImage:]
imgView.frame = CGRectMake(...)




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