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Android有防弹片。 我如何修改?
原标题:Android has default splash screen? How do I modify it?

It seems that Android has a default splash screen. I didn t make any splash screen but every time I open my application, a splash screen appears. The title bar of my splash screen contains a string which is the name of my application. It also uses the same background as what I ve set on my application.

为什么我的申请显示有点闪?? 难道这是安乐吗? 我检查了其他人开发的其他申请,没有刀切。

我如何去掉我间谍屏幕标题栏上的插 the? 我怎么能够改变我的猛烈屏幕的背景,同时又不影响我其他活动的背景?


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
    //initialize variables
    txtView1 = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.txtView1);
    txtView2 = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.txtView2);
    //register broadcast receiver

public void onResume()
    //read bundle if a bundle exists



我的间谍屏幕标题栏载有我的申请名称。 它还利用了我在申请中阐述的同样背景。

这是你的活动之一。 具体来说,它包含以下内容:<intent-filter>

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>

Why does my application shows a splash screen?

Because that is what you wrote. Whatever activity you have tied to the MAIN/LAUNCHER <intent-filter> is causing this effect. You need to read your manifest file, identify this activity, take a look at the activity code, and determine what it is that you wrote.

Is this a default on Android?


The way you describe it sounds like your activity s onCreate method is taking a long time to run. Make sure you don t perform long-running operations directly on the UI thread.

数据库业务、网络业务和计算密集型业务应在单独的校对进行。 See this page for android threading options.

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