English 中文(简体)
原标题:POST a list of items using REST
  • 时间:2011-11-19 14:47:57
  •  标签:
  • rest
  • post


例如,如果我有资源<代码>/用户,而且我想有一份新的数据,那么,I d http-encode the areas for the newuser and put it in the request body such as this:name=foo&age=20

但是,如果我有一份用户名单,如本<代码>,[名称: foo , age: 20 },{名称: 条码,年龄: 10 },是否存在着一种常规的操作方法?

I m thinking name[0]=foo&age[0]=20&name[1]=bar&age[1]=10 but I can t find anything to back it up. What do web servers usually accept/expect?


可改变我的回答的快速问题: 您是不是直接来自HTML形式,或是期望某种更复杂(例如,javascript processsing,或甚至不是网络客户)

如果您的客户非常复杂,你就只能建造一个有内容的“密码”的“JSON”和“POST”系统。 然后,无论什么资源正在加工,都可以利用任何json图书馆阅读所张贴的插图和工艺。

Further Rambling:

你们用什么框架/语言来建设自己的教育、科学和技术服务? 他们是否有帮助你的内在功能/发明?

例如,如果你重新利用日本宇宙航空研究开发机构-RS来建设你的服务,就在通知中建造了一个装置: rel=“noreferer”>@FormParam,可以用来处理表格,例如:如果你在内容类别<编码>/x-www-form-urcoded <>/code>:=foo&=20¶ge=ampage。


public void createUsers(@FormParam("name") List<String> name, @FormParam("age") List<String> age) {
    // Store your users

But you would then have to deal with the question of what if one list is shorter/longer than the other, how do you resolve that? What happens if a new field is required or optional to create a list of users? (But as I mentioned initially, a JSON array of JSON objects would solve that issue... there are a number of libraries out there that support automagic JSON deserialization in JAX-RS or there is also the option of creating your own MessageBodyReader.

(下一节中的争端: 我不了解铁路,我的经验在 Java服务界更多。 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_ Controller_overview.html” rel=“noreferer”>。 如同铁路公司一样,它有以下公约:<条码>,名称[]=foo&名称=bar,用于自动处理阵列中的数据,以及类似人口结构的公约,如<条码>用户[名称]=foo&用户[年龄]=20。 或许,如果你在铁路上,就能够以某种方式利用/利用这两种特征来取得预期的结果?



Rails serializes forms on a format not unlike what you suggest. If you have a nested model it encodes it like this:


(对应的JSON应为{”名称:“theo”、“company”:{“姓名”:“acme >/code>)

I can t say that I ve seen a Rails application sending arrays, but there s no reason why it wouldn t work (worst case you would end up with a hash with string keys).



But I don t know how you do nested objects that way.

The HTTP spec, or if it su the URI spec, not ensuring which atm, actual specified that if You adopt the same debate over time You have range of Value (inab of the finalwins conduct of most application framework). 如:

但是,其中大多数适用于<代码>GET申请,不一定是POST。 (但application/x-url-encoded 应遵守<代码>GET相同的标准。

In short, I don t think there is a standard for doing this, POST bodies are a bit of a wild west territory. I think, however, that either you should go with JSON, because it s made to describe structures, and application/x-url-encoded is not, or you should try to represent the structure of your data better, something like:



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