处理所有问题, 我已经履行一些职能,并想问一些基本事项,因为我对C++没有健全的基本知识。 我希望,各位都能够告诉我,我可以从你那里学习的最好方式。 (请不要说这是家事,而不要有任何专家来问这个问题)
What I did is; I read the input x,y,z, point data (around 3GB data set) from a file and then compute one single value for each point and store inside a vector (result). Then, it will be used in next loop. And then, that vector will not be used anymore and I need to get that memory as it contains huge data set. I think I can do this in two ways. (1) By just initializing a vector and later by erasing it (see code-1). (2) By allocating a dynamic memory and then later de-allocating it (see 编码-2). I heard this de-allocation is inefficient as de-allocation again cost memory or maybe I misunderstood.
Q1) I would like to know what would be the optimized way in terms of memory and efficiency.
Q2) Also, I would like to know whether function return by reference is a good way of giving output. (Please look at code-3)
int main(){
//read input data (my_data)
vector<double) result;
for (vector<Position3D>::iterator it=my_data.begin(); it!=my_data.end(); it++){
// do some stuff and calculate a "double" value (say value)
//using each point coordinate
// do some other stuff
//loop over result and use each value for some other stuff
for (int i=0; i<result.size(); i++){
//do some stuff
//result will not be used anymore and thus erase data
int main(){
//read input data
vector<double) *result = new vector<double>;
for (vector<Position3D>::iterator it=my_data.begin(); it!=my_data.end(); it++){
// do some stuff and calculate a "double" value (say value)
//using each point coordinate
// do some other stuff
//loop over result and use each value for some other stuff
for (int i=0; i<result->size(); i++){
//do some stuff
//de-allocate memory
delete result;
result = 0;
vector<Position3D>& vector<Position3D>::ReturnLabel(VoxelGrid grid, int segment) const
vector<Position3D> *points_at_grid_cutting = new vector<Position3D>;
vector<Position3D>::iterator point;
for (point=begin(); point!=end(); point++) {
//do some stuff
return (*points_at_grid_cutting);