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原标题:Deleting rows from a Matlab cell matrix which match a given pattern
  • 时间:2011-11-21 15:05:23
  •  标签:
  • matlab

我有一个单元矩阵,有两栏(无头盔)。 缩略语中包含标记符号,例如AAPL、GS等。 第2栏载有0或1。

我怎么能够删除第2栏中包含1个的所有段落? 然后,我如何能够在不同的卷宗中分别获得剩余标记的输出?




>> a = { AAPL , 1;  MSFT , 0;  GOOG  1;  IBM , 0} % Make some data like the OP s
a = 
     AAPL     [1]
     MSFT     [0]
     GOOG     [1]
     IBM      [0]
>> toDelete = cell2mat(a(:,2)) == 1; % Extract which rows have a 1 in column 2
>> a(toDelete,:) = []; % Delete those rows
>> remainingTickers = a(:,1) % Extract column 1 from the remaining rows
remainingTickers = 


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