English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to place a copy of T* at a given address?
  • 时间:2011-11-23 00:01:08
  •  标签:
  • c++


是否有办法复制<代码>。 T* ,at a given address x, without using memcpy ( and in a portable way?


Just to be clear, I don t want to construct T at address x. I want to copy the value of the pointer to T, T*, at address x, as in

char* p = new char[s];
memcpy(&p[0], t, sizeof(T*)); // t is T*

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 如果你想在具体地址上构造一个物体,你将重新定位:

#include <new>

T oldT = /* .. */;
T* newT = new (x) T(oldT); // copy-constructed at address x

It s just like new T(), except you specify the buffer. (So take care that it s aligned and lives long enough.)

If you want to copy a value pointed to by a pointer, just dereference the pointer:

T* x = /* .. */;
T copyT = *x; // dereference x, make copy

在这两种情况下,将<条码>改为>。 U或U*等。

页: 1 你们要求的是:

void **address = ...; // address points to a location which can store a void*
T *t = ...;
// note T* and void* are the same size 
// now any of these three should work:
static_cast<T*&>(*address) = t;
*reinterpret_cast<T**>(address) = t;
void *t_addr = t;
*address = t_addr;



T *& newVal = new (x) T**(oldVal);
void* X;
typeT* T;

* (typeT*) X = *T;

This should be portable. Note however that enough space must appropriately allocated before the copy (=) operation takes place.

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