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Perl ala Haskell的配对模式
原标题:Pattern matching in Perl ala Haskell

In Haskell (F#, Ocaml等),我可以这样做:

sign x |  x >  0        =   1
       |  x == 0        =   0
       |  x <  0        =  -1




sub frobnicator
   my $frob = shift;
   return "foo" if $frob eq "Foomaticator";
   return "bar" if $frob eq "Barmaticator";
   croak("Unable to frob legit value: $frob received");


该法典必须从Perl 5.8开始,但当然,我也对更现代的技术感兴趣。


这里还有一种可能的办法,它仍然是一种不大的言辞,但也许反映了更好的流动。 (在《最佳做法》一书中,作者建议主要避免<代码>>>>的固定格式。) 因为你需要弄清了解正在发生的事情的权利的一切途径。 如果能帮助强调情况,你可以添加括号。

sub sign
    my $x = shift;
    $x  > 0  and return  1;
    $x == 0  and return  0;
    $x  < 0  and return -1;

sub frobnicator
    my $frob = shift;

    $frob eq "Foomaticator" and return "foo";
    $frob eq "Barmaticator" and return "bar";

    croak("Unable to frob legit value: $frob received");


sub frobnicator {
  my $frob = shift;
  return $frob eq  Foomaticator  ?  foo  :
         $frob eq  Barmaticator  ?  bar  :
         croak("Unable to frob legit value: $frob received");

It turns your original example into something like:

sub sign {
  my $x = shift;
  return $x < 0 ? -1 :
         $x > 0 ?  1 :
                   0 ;


For what it s worth, Perl 5.10 or later gives you:


...which would allow:

use feature qw( switch say);
use Carp;
sub frobnicator {
    my $frob = shift;
    given ($frob) {
        when ( Foomaticator ) {
            return q(foo);
        when ( Barmaticator ) {
            return q(bar);
        default {
            croak(qq(Unable to frob legit value: $frob received));

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