English 中文(简体)
Subdomain Rewrite Rule to transfer URL Params to otherDirector?
原标题:Subdomain RewriteRule to transfer URL Params to other directories?

我的问题是: 我希望有一部改写规则,使我能够把参数转给我的服务器上的另一台名录。 我称之为我网页的子主,这一次主要应放在我根页的“正常”目录上。 除此规则外,还应增加所有ur的参数。


Root-Page: http://www.example.com -> directory on the server /srv/www/vhosts/example.com/httpdocs/

Subdomain: http://fb.example.come 


Subdomain ->Directory on the services /srv/www/vhosts/example.com/http://docs/

The difference between both domains is a paramenter that should add to every URL call:

User-Call: http://fb.example.com/index.php
--> add a fb=1 param
Intern -> http://fb.example.com/index.php?fb=1

User-Call: http://fb.example.com/show.php?param=1&test=1
--> add a fb=1 param
Intern -> http://fb.example.com/show.php?fb=1&param=1&test=1

There should always be a param called "fb=1" in the URL.


RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !fb=1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^fb.
RewriteRule (.*) $1?fb=1 [QSA]

但是,我只是把一些法典放在你的实验室中,以发现fb.example.com领域。 更清洁

  $fb = true;


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