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原标题:Run JUnit Test from a java web application

Is it possible to run JUnit Tests from a java web application (on a Tomcat server) ?

How can I with a click on a link, launch the instantiation of an object ? or the call to a method ?




Sure, although I m not sure why you d want to.

See the cookbook example, nutshell:

org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(TestClass1.class, ...);

显然,你需要部署测试班,以便补上班级,并将扼制班名改为实际的<代码>。 类别

You d likely also need to scan for annotations or convention-based class names; there are a variety of ways to do that including things like the reflections library.

IMO it d be easier to set up a continuous integration (CI) server like Jenkins or CruiseControl etc. and get a complete package, but it depends on what your needs actually are.

There a number of JUnit-based frameworks that can assist with web testing.


Canoo Webtest



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