English 中文(简体)
在谷歌地图上,通过点击ton子,打断可分的 d积
原标题:disable zooming dragging in Google maps by clicking on a button

I want to add codes inside disable() function to disable dragging and zooming in Google maps API v3 by clicking on disable button.

<script type="text/javascript">
   var map;

  function initialize() {
var uluru = new google.maps.LatLng(21, 57);
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
  zoom: 6,
  center: uluru,
  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID

function disable(){



<body onload="initialize()" >

   <input type="button" id="next" value="disableZoomDrag" onclick="disable()">


You can use the setOptions() method on the map object:

map.setOptions({draggable: false, zoomControl: false, scrollwheel: false, disableDoubleClickZoom: true});

If this doesn t prevent zooming, you could always set the minimum and maximum zoom to the current zoom level.



@ScottE s answer pointed me in the right direction of using map.setOptions(). However, from the API documentation, I found that there is a more elegant set of options to set. Perhaps these are newer than the answer, but they work pretty well for me.

function disablePanningAndScrolling()
        zoomControl: false,
        gestureHandling:  none 


To return things to normal, just set the properties back to their defaults:

function enablePanningAndScrolling()
        zoomControl: true,
        gestureHandling:  greedy  // or  cooperative *

* 缺省是指一页可滚动的、合作性的。 无论哪一种情况是你的申请。

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