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原标题:getline in if statement

从我所读到的“getline(>)”中,在一种诱发环境下使用的“将隐含的转换为, 避免*。 我在网上发现任何真正提到这一发言的地方。 每一处都说,默示转换确实有t,在波列兰背景中,点数应当相同(如果<代码>ptr=0,则改为点代码<>ptr。

另外,在一种诱变的情况下,该标准还被转换成一种未指明的Boolean型。 这甚至意味着什么?


In short:

It means that you can use getline() in a if statement and if it works you enter the if statement block.

In Long:

The above is not technically correct (but that is the result). getline() actually returns a reference to the stream it was used on. When the stream is used in a Boolean context this is converted into a unspecified type (C++03) that can be used in a Boolean context. In C++11, this was updated and it is converted to bool.

  • If the getline() succeeded it returns a stream in a good state. When this is converted to a bool like type it returns a non-null pointer (C++03) which when used in a Boolean context is equivalent to true.
  • If the getline() fails it returns a stream in a bad state. When this is converted to a bool like type it returns a null pointer (C++03) which when used in a Boolean context is equivalent to false.


  • Inserters and extractors [string.io]
    • Defines: std::istream& getline(std::istream&, std::string&)
  • Class template basic_istream [istream]
    • Defines: std::istream& getline(char_type* s, streamsize n);
  • Overview [ios.overview]
    • Defines how a stream is converted in a boolean context

Everywhere it says that implicit conversion doesn t exist and that in a Boolean context pointers should be of the same kind (and if ptr == 0 than 0 is converted to type of the pointer ptr).

A null void* in a Boolean context is equivalent to false, any other void* is equivalent to true. (though the type is actually unspecified but you can think of it as a void* (just to make it easy to think about).

另外,在一种诱变的情况下,该标准还被转换成一种未指明的Boolean型。 这甚至意味着什么?


if (getline())
     // If getline worked processes data

    // getline. If it works then processes then try again.


  1. getline() returns istream&
  2. istream is convertable to void*
  3. This conversion is used when an istream is used in boolean context (such as an if or while statement).

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