English 中文(简体)
原标题:Accessor that returns value vs accessor that returns reference?

From my understanding both of the following getter methods reference the actual object. So what is the difference between the two?
When and why would you want to use the second getter method?

- (MyObject *)myObject
   return _myObject;

- (void)getMyObject:(MyObject **)myObject
   if (!myObject)
      *myObject = _myObject;


Unless you like confusing people/yourself at a later date by not following the standard conventions.


- (BOOL)save:(NSError **)error

该方法的重要成果是<代码>。 缩略语 NSError反对在出现错误时进行检查。



So there is no "versus".


有一种特殊的情况是,算法需要参考,或指点人,但并不常见。 这是你的第二例。

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